My family shared a letter from my nephew today, and it talks about even though their candidate did not win ( Thank God ), that adults should suck it up and support the new commandeer and chief. It comes across as all noble and stuff, but I tend to read between the lines and read the letter for what "I FEEL" it means.
Here is the letter and then I will post my reply:
Fellow Americans,
It is with great disappointment that I reflect on our most recent presidential election. I as well as you wanted Senator John McCain to be elected the 44Th president of the United States. As much as I disapprove the American people have decided that they want Senator Obama to be OUR president. Notice that I say " our " president. Senator Obama has been elected and as of January 20Th, 2009 he will be my president.
I must admit that I have spent everyday since the election in perhaps one of the worst depression periods of my life.( I must insert a comment here. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?? After all the crap we have survived and witnessed during Bush's 8 year reign of crap and his own agenda, NOW you are depressed? What a contradiction in terms.) I, like each of you, love this country with all my heart. I would gladly give my life in service to her just as I know you would. ( Well, I am gay, so you know I can not be trusted to be with all those hot, sweaty men as I might be distracted and not be able to protect my troop and/or my country. You know us Gay's, sex is all we think about, regardless of the situation. ) Of course I support my party but I support my country first. The anger that I have seen among Republicans is embarrassing frankly. I understand the resentment towards Senator Obama, but the campaign is over, and now is the time to unite. ( Just because you wrap it up and place a pretty bow around it does not make it a nice present. You understand the resentment? Why not be more specific on that comment and tell us about these " resentments ?")
In January of 2001, democrats refused to stand behind our new president, please don't make the same mistake. They had that luxury then, the country had not been attacked, was not facing a global war on terror, and did not face an economic crisis the likes of which has not been seen in 60+ years. We are a nation with serious problems, and the last thing that we need right now is to squabble over the election of a man we may not agree with over the next four years. We are talking about republicans, right? The are going to dig, and dig, and dig like crazy over the next 4 years, and they will never come to the table in order to have our government work as a team. What is the real problem with our government?? It is the two party system. A system where both parties stop at nothing to discredit the current administration. ?
Iran tests its missile capability daily while denying that their missile program is not a vehicle set to carry the very weapon that they deny their 6,000 centrifuges are tirelessly attempting to produce. ( OK, and we have all these men and women over there risking their lives and we can not manage to clean this up? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. It just does not ad up to make any sense. What did we do with ALL those weapons of mass destruction? Oh, I forgot, we didn't find any!!) Russia has already invaded a former Soviet satellite and is placing missiles to counter our missile defense shield even as I write the very email. North Korea is still sitting on a small number of nuclear weapons and appears to have dictator on the brink of death with no clear sign of what a future government will do with such weapons.( Kim Jong-il is so much more of a threat than anything going on in Iraq. He is so much more unstable that the country that we are fighting in now. At last count, over 4,200 lives, men and women, have been lost.)
Going on six years now we have been engaged against a people who wish nothing more than the destruction of our entire way of life. ( You have talked to these people about said topic? WOW. I see it as they feel like we are the bullies of the world and we will go anywhere we please if we can convince ourselves that it is warranted. These simple people just want their lives back.)The people of Iraq are just now beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Afghanistan is teetering on chaos as we tie up loose ends in Iraq. Terrorists continue to plot and plan to bring harm to everyday citizens of democracy throughout the world.
Our economy is falling apart before our eyes.( Could this be that as of a second ago we have spent over $575,336,238,407 dollars on this war. CRAZY!!! The people we could have feen in this country, the affects on schools, medicine for the poor, countless good things to spend that money on. Instead, its gone and even more sad is the over 4,200 lives that have went away with it. ) Baby boomers on the cusp of retirement have watched everything they have worked and saved for over the last 40 years disappear in only one year.
My fellow Americans this is now the time to heal and to stand together. No, I am not asking you to go along with everything our new president says and does. Lord knows I am going to be pulling my hair out at some of the things our new president says and does. ( Nothing Bush had done has not already caused you to pull your hair yet? How can Republicans continue to stand by the man who has made our country the mess that is today? Let us list a few of President Bush's mistakes...Katrina (HUGE.), The war in Iraq, standing on the forum of denying gay marriage AND the right for same sex couples to adopt or foster parent, etc.? A quote regarding President Bush's stand on gay adoption...Bush said he opposes allowing gay couples to adopt. "I believe children ought to be adopted in families with a woman and a man who are married," he said Monday.
The governor also declined to take a position on whether children already adopted by gays or lesbians should be removed from those homes. "I have no idea whether the children ought to be removed or not removed," he said. "The question is whether I'm for gay adoption. And the answer is, I'm not." Continue to believe this man was a great president, because that is far from the truth.
But as far as I am concerned the campaign is over. President-elect Obama is now receiving daily intelligence breifings from Admiral McConnell. I have no doubt that some of his campaign promises to the far left will disipate as he learns of the threats that face our great nation.
We have real problems and they require our president's full attention. I can call on every American who did not vote for this man to give him a chance. Stop the complaining and the negative gossip about a man who like or dislike or not is going to be our 44th president.
It really scares me at the number of people who I have heard over the past few days making assassination remarks towards the president-elect. Not outright calls for his assassination but rather wagers that someone will "take him out." or the hopes that some one will. To those of you would think and say such things I remind you that our democracy is predicated on the ability to PEACEFULLY transfew power. Just as George Washington transferred his power twice, once to General of the Continental Army, and when he decided not to run for a third term as president. President Bush will do the same. (HA! HA! you really believe that??? ) I applaud the president for his character, he is honor bound to ensure that the incoming President Obama has the most seamless transfer of power un U.S. History.
Believe me, if I can give the man a chance anyone can. So, again, I ask you, please support our president, please support our commander and chief.
Greetings Everyone!!!
I am starting this blog as a place for Gay men and women to come and read information about a variety of topics and issues. If you would like to be a guest author on my blog, please email me at and tell me why you would like to post something on my blog. This is also a way for people in Cincinnati to get linked to social organizations that maybe they did not know existed. I will work hard on placing all sorts of information on the site, regarding Books, Medical updates, Causes that I deelpy care about, Gay vacation destinations, Gay Sports, and much, much more. Its also just a venue for you to share comments on postings, or share with me a cause or topic I could add to my site.
Last year was a very tough year for me, as I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a form of depression mainly diagnosed in women, but more and more men are being diagnosed with this illness. So, look for information regarding borderline on the blog. Finally having a diagnosis regarding my depression was life saving. Coming through that crisis is what gave me the idea to create this blog.
But my number one goal for this site is the fact that it is time for unity in the gay community. Its time to STOP tearing each other down, but rather to build each other up. We are not all alike. We are different and these differences are what makes our world such a wonderful place to live. Please enjoy the site, and lets unite to make our world the best place it can be.
I am starting this blog as a place for Gay men and women to come and read information about a variety of topics and issues. If you would like to be a guest author on my blog, please email me at and tell me why you would like to post something on my blog. This is also a way for people in Cincinnati to get linked to social organizations that maybe they did not know existed. I will work hard on placing all sorts of information on the site, regarding Books, Medical updates, Causes that I deelpy care about, Gay vacation destinations, Gay Sports, and much, much more. Its also just a venue for you to share comments on postings, or share with me a cause or topic I could add to my site.
Last year was a very tough year for me, as I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a form of depression mainly diagnosed in women, but more and more men are being diagnosed with this illness. So, look for information regarding borderline on the blog. Finally having a diagnosis regarding my depression was life saving. Coming through that crisis is what gave me the idea to create this blog.
But my number one goal for this site is the fact that it is time for unity in the gay community. Its time to STOP tearing each other down, but rather to build each other up. We are not all alike. We are different and these differences are what makes our world such a wonderful place to live. Please enjoy the site, and lets unite to make our world the best place it can be.
My favortie gay related qoute EVER!!!!
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.
Johann von Goethe
Johann von Goethe
Another great night view of our City!
Cincinnati is simply beautiful....
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